Loretta Bryan RN Clinical Improvement Consultant

SDAHO (South Dakota Healthcare Association)
5/25/22 at 12:43 PM

Adverse Events in Hospitals: A Quarter of Medicare Patients Experienced Harm in October 2018.

Grimm CA. Washington DC: Office of the Inspector General; May 2022. Report no. OEI-06-18-00400.

In its 2010 report, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) found 13.5% of hospitalized Medicare patients experience harm in October 2008. This OIG report has updated the proportion of hospitalized Medicare patients who experienced harm and the resulting costs in October of 2018. Researchers found 12% of patients experienced adverse events, and an additional 13% experienced temporary harm. Reviewers determined 43% of harm events could have been prevented and resulted in significant costs to Medicare and patients.



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