August 15, 2024 | 1:00PM–2:00PM | ZOOM

FREE IHC IHHS Flex Webinar: EDTC Cohort Office Hour Series: Session 6

Critical access hospitals (CAHs) play a crucial role in stabilizing and transferring patients in emergency situations. Improving emergency transitions of care is a key component of increasing the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of health care services. The Emergency Department Transfer Communication (EDTC) measure allows CAHs to evaluate and improve upon the effectiveness of this vitally important role. Effective transfer of patient information from the emergency department to the next site of care fosters patient care continuity and helps reduce errors, improve outcomes, and increase patient and family satisfaction. Participate in this series to learn more about the EDTC Medicare Beneficiary Quality Improvement Project (MBQIP) measures and meet the goal of 100% for each measure for your CAHs.

Speakers: Rural Quality Improvement Technical Assistance EDTC Subject Matter Experts and Iowa EDTC Best Practice Hospitals


Event Flyer (PDF)

Registration (Link)


Past sessions are available on iCompass Academy (Link).