Registration Form
Assessing + Managing Suicide Risk (AMSR) Training
DMACC - Room 145, 906 N. Grant Rd., Carroll, IA
Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk (AMSR) provides a framework to determine an individual’s risk for suicide and helps health and behavioral health professionals improve their comfort and skill in delivering care.
Learning Objectives:
Participants completing the full-day AMSR training will be able to describe and apply learned competencies in five areas essential to providing safe care to individuals at risk for suicide.
1. Approaching Your Work: Manage their own reactions related to suicide so they may reconcile the potential conflict between a caregiver’s goal to prevent suicide and an individual’s goal to eliminate psychological pain through suicide and offer individuals at risk hope for recovery.
2. Understanding Suicide: Explain suicide prevention terminology and key suicide-related statistics so they may demonstrate an understanding of suicide risk and protective factors and warning signs, as well as the experiences of individuals at risk.
3. Gathering Information: Identify appropriate points in treatment to screen and assess individuals for suicide risk as well as the key domains of assessment information to collect so they may apply techniques for eliciting reliable information about an individual’s suicide risk.
4. Formulating Risk: Use the AMSR risk formulation model to make a clinical judgment of the risk that an individual will attempt or die by suicide in the short and long term.
5. Planning and Responding: Develop with individuals at risk a collaborative treatment and response plan that includes evidence-based prevention and treatment interventions and proactive steps for immediate, acute, and continuing safety.
AMSR is a product of Zero Suicide Institute, an Education Development Center program dedicated to helping health care systems deliver safer suicide care.
NOTE: Lunch will be provided.