Ambulatory Quality Initiatives
Compass Opioid Stewardship Certificate Program
In September 2020, Iowa Healthcare Collaborative (IHC) was awarded a contract in response to Section 6052 of the Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treat for Patients and Communities Act (SUPPORT Act). To support this work IHC has developed the nation-wide Compass Opioid Stewardship Program. Funded by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), this program will support providers through education and outreach to improve prescribing practices and increase the use of non-opioid pain management therapies. The program focuses on reducing the impact of the opioid epidemic by building relationships with those on the frontline of care and teaming with stakeholders to maintain an agile and responsive healthcare system.
The Compass Opioid Stewardship Certificate Program provides support to eligible prescribers across the nation. Section 6052 of the SUPPORT Act authorizes this technical assistance. Using evidence-based techniques and data, this program works directly with eligible front-line providers. The goals of the program are to:
- Educate and provide outreach to outlier prescribers of opioids about best practices for prescribing opioids
- Educate and provide outreach to outlier prescribers of opioids about non-opioid pain management therapies
- Reduce the amount of opioid prescriptions prescribed by eligible prescribers of opioids
The program aligns with the foundational principles of the CMS Strategy to Fight the Opioid Crisis.
To learn more about this program please visit our program page (Link).